When is the Best Time for Hair Transplant Surgery?

Men suffering from androgenic alopecia, or male pattern baldness, can start losing their hair before they can legally vote. As men grow older, most lose some hair density. Some young men experience stress and anxiety over their changing appearance, causing them to seek hair restoration treatment, including hair transplant surgery.

Unfortunately there is a real danger of long-term and permanent disappointment if a surgical procedure is undertaken too early.
When you seek advice from a surgical hair restoration expert, that surgeon will need to assess the health of your scalp, your general health, the pattern of your hair loss and determine which, if any, hair follicles are suitable for transplant. The younger you are the harder it is to identify where your genes have provided you with permanent hair, and how much.
With the onset of androgenic alopecia, follicles in scalp areas that are genetically susceptible to Dihydro-Testosterone (DHT) will begin to thin and eventually stop growing. Genes, hormones, and age will determine the timing, the pace, the pattern, and the extent of hair loss.

No two men are exactly alike. The rate of loss varies and is irregular, with men losing hair in sporadic periods of slow or rapid loss, with some periods of stability.

To achieve long-lasting and natural results, it is critical that an experienced hair transplant surgeon determine your hair loss pattern and how many genetically permanent follicles are available for possible transplantation.
If you would like to know more about what options are available to you, no matter your age, contact Dr. Abraham Armani for a consultation at (972) 2- ARMANI.

Located in Dallas, Dr. Armani is an award winning hair transplant surgeon, who is nationally recognized for his personalized one-on-one professional care and natural results achieved through hair transplantation.