Is There A Difference In Pattern Baldness Between Men and Women?

Most definitely yes!  The condition in both men and women is called alopecia, which simply means hair loss, or baldness.  Most men and women, at least 80 percent, experience thinning of their hair over the course of their lives, and that is where the similarities generally end.

What’s the Typical Timing for Hair Loss?

About a quarter of all men start to notice their hairline receding as early as late puberty, before they turn 21.  By the time men reach their 50th birthday, 85 percent have significantly thinning hair.

While there are a few women who experience hair loss starting in their late teens, most will see their hair start to thin in their 40s, 50s, or 60s.  Why?  Because women’s hair loss is linked with hormonal changes associated with aging, especially menopause.

What Does it Look Like When Men and Women Lose Hair?

Typically male pattern baldness starts with a receding hairline, followed by the thinning of the crown.  The rate of loss is difficult to predict and different for every man.  Men retain the most hair density just above the ears and around the back of the scalp.

Women, while they may experience some hairline recession, for the most part they keep their up-front hairline.  Female pattern hair loss starts at the top of their heads and then progresses down the sides.  They will see this thinning when they part their hair in the middle.

What Causes Hair Loss in Men and Women?

For both men and women, hair loss is dictated by the genes they inherited from both the mother and father.  That said, men’s hair loss is caused by the combination of male hormone called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and genetically susceptible hair follicles.  While DHT gives men their masculine attributes, for susceptible hair follicles it slows down the life cycle, especially the growth phase, until the follicles simply stop producing hair.

The definitive cause of female pattern hair loss remains elusive.  While there is some evidence of a linkage with hormones, it is strongly believed that age and genes are the two strongest factors.  If a woman’s hair loss is severe, or starts before middle age, she should contact her primary care physician, as this could be indicative of other conditions that may require medical attention.