Dr. Abraham Armani is a diplomate of the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery and is committed to its code of ethics. The ABHRS ensures that doctors “use every opportunity to improve public understanding of the role of the Hair Restoration Surgeon” and “maintain the highest standard of personal conduct.” As evidenced by his numerous awards and dedicated clientele, Dr. …
Yahoo News
For the sixth year in a row, Dr. Armani and Armani Medical Hair Restoration in Dallas won the “Patients’ Choice Award.” The award is presented based on online surveys that evaluate thousands of physicians across America.
WFAA News 8
WFAA interviews Dr. Armani and talks about the PRP blood platelet therapy offered at other Dallas-area clinics. Armani says that PRP therapy is not a perfect solution for everybody, but for those with weak, damaged hair, it can promote thickness.
In this article, Dr. Armani cautions against hair transplantation in men in their 20s and discusses the rise of corrective procedures at his clinic. Armani says that some patients rush into hair transplantation before their ready.
Dr. Armani discusses PRP hair restoration treatment and why it might not be a viable option for all candidates. “It’s sort of like fertilizer for a lawn,” Armani said. “[It’s] not going to grow new grass … It’s not a cure for baldness; it’s another effective method to have thicker healthier hair.”
Hair Loss Experts
In this story, Dr. Armani discusses the pitfalls that many transplant candidates face, specifically choosing to undergo a hair transplant too early. In this case, a patient named Jeff was left unsatisfied with a patchy hair transplant job in his 20s, only to undergo a corrective procedure at Armani’s clinic.
Dallas Business Journal
Dr. Armani has won the Patients’ Choice Award in 2011 and was featured in the Dallas Business Journal for his accomplishments with the Armani Medical Hair Restoration clinic in Dallas.
Beauty Launchpad
Dr. Armani busts four common hair myths in this story on Launchpad. Dr. Armani covers gray hair, tight hairstyles and other common misconceptions.
Nexos, one of American Airline’s premiere lifestyle publications, featured Dr. Armani in its June 2012 issue. In the interview, Dr. Armani fields questions about the hair transplant process and his clinic.
El Diario
On an interview with El Diario, Dr. Armani, once again, cautions against hair transplants in patients who are continuing to undergo rapid hair loss, particularly younger patients whose baldness pattern is uncertain.